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Window output and position

CMDLINE - Turns the display of the command line on (1) or off (0)

CPTITLE -  Changes the title for the current application window.

CPTITLE$( )- Returns the current window caption set by the CPTITLE command.

ECHO - Used in a macro to override the application's echo mode.  Echo is local to the macro in which it appears and has no effect on any other macros. 1 (on) enables the override.

ECHOMODE - Sets the echo mode for the current application.

GETWINLOC - Gets the application window's location and size. GETWINLOC [x] [,y] [,width] [,height]

PRINT - Writes the results of string or scalar expressions to the message line of the current application.

SPRINT - Writes the results of string expressions to the specified variable. SPRINT  variable, "expression" [,...]

WINMOVE - Moves the application window to a new location. WINMOVE  [x] [,y]

WINSIZE - Changes the size of the application window. WINSIZE  [width] [,height]



Menu definition and control

MENUBEG - Used in a menu bar macro to signal the start of a new menu bar.

MENUCMD - Used in a menu bar macro to define a menu item that executes a macro or command

MENUCMDFN -  Used in a menu bar macro to define a menu item that executes a macro or command.

MENUEND  - Used in a menu bar macro to signal the completion of a menu bar.

MENUHLP - Enables (1) or disables (0) the display on the message line of the help messages for menu items. 

MENUNEW - Used in a menu bar macro to define the start of a new menu in the menu bar.

MENUSEP - Used in a menu bar macro to place a horizontal line in the menu.

MENUSTP - Used in a menu bar macro to define a menu item that stops the current macro or command.

MENUVAR - Used in a menu bar macro to define a menu item that sets the value of a variable.



File system

CLOSE - Removes the association of a file number with a file name. CLOSE  [#file number] [,...]

COPY - Copies a file or directory including all files and subdirectories.  COPY  "from name", "to name" [,DONTASK]

DELETE - Removes a file or directory including all files and subdirectories. DELETE  "file/directory" [,DONTASK]

FILEATTRIBUTES$( ) - Sets / returns the attributes of the specified file.

FINDFIRSTFILE( ) - Returns a number known as a “handle” that can be used to identify and manipulate specific types of files.

FINDNEXTFILE( ) -  Can be used with the function FINDFIRSTFILE( ) to identify and manipulate types of files.

FILESIZE - Gets the size (in bytes) of the specified file. FILESIZE  "filename"

FILESTAT( ) - An array function that returns information about the file or directory.

FREESPACE( ) - This function returns the number of bytes available on the specified drive.

GETCWD$( ) - This function returns the name of the current working directory.

INPUT # - Reads a newline-terminated text line from the file designated by #file number

MKDIR - Makes a DOS directory.

OPEN ... - Associates a file number with a file name

PRINT # -  Writes the results of string or scalar expressions to an ASCII file.

RENAME - Renames a file or directory; moves files. RENAME  "from name", "to name" [,DONTASK]

RMDIR - Removes an empty directory. RMDIR  "directory name"

SELECTFILE - Displays a file-select dialog box.



Array, matrix and set operations

ARRAYSTAT( ) -  An array function that takes the values in the supplied array and returns the following information in an array:

COLS( ) - Returns the number of columns in a matrix object.

DIM - Sets dimensions of an array variable. DIM  variable name, scalar1 [,scalar2]

INSERT - Inserts a source object into a set. INSERT  index, destination, source

JOIN - Appends the objects in source name to the objects in destination name and then deletes source name.

NUM( ) - Returns the number of objects in a set or the number of elements in a one-dimensional array.

PULLOUT - Pulls a specified object from a set (source) and places it in a variable (destination).

ROWS( ) - Returns the number of rows in a matrix object.




ABS( ) - This function returns the absolute value of the expression.

BIT_AND( ) - A function that converts a and b into 16-bit integers (in binary format) and returns the result of a bitwise AND of these two integers.

CEIL( ) - This function rounds the expression up to the nearest integer. value = CEIL (numeric expression)

EXP( ) - This function returns the value of e to the power of the expression.

FLOOR( ) - This function rounds the expression down to the nearest integer.

LN( ) - This function returns the natural logarithm (base e) of the expression.

LOG( ) - This function returns the logarithm (base 10) of the expression.

MOD( ) - A function that returns the remainder of a/b.

ROUND( ) - This function rounds a scalar value to the closest integer value.

SQR( ) - This function returns the square of the expression.

SQRT( ) - This function returns the square root of the expression.

TRUNC( ) - This function returns only the whole number part of the expression.

VAL$( ) - This function returns the string version of a numeric value.


String object support

EQSTR( ) - This function tests two strings for equality; case is not significant in the comparison. result = EQSTR ("s1", "s2")

INSTR( ) - This function returns an integer that is the position in string s1 where string s2 starts.  Case is significant.

LEN( ) - This function returns the number of characters (including blank spaces) in the expression.

LOWER$( ) - Converts the supplied string to lower case based on the criteria of the current language selected by the user at Windows setup.

UPPER$( ) - Converts the supplied string to upper case based on the criteria of the current language selected by the user at Windows setup.

VAL( ) - This function evaluates a string expression and returns the numeric equivalent.  If the string is not a valid numeral, the function returns zero.



Microsoft Windows DDE

DDEADVISE - Sets up a hot link with a DDE server to get data from the server whenever the data changes. DDEADVISE  channel, "item", variable name

DDEEXECUTE   - Sends a command to a DDE server for execution. DDEEXECUTE  channel, "command"

DDEINITIATE ( ) - This function initiates a DDE conversation and returns a number that identifies the conversation. channel = DDEINITIATE ("application name", "topic")

DDEPOKE  - Unilaterally sends an unrequested data item from a DDE client to a DDE server.

DDEREQUEST - Used by a DDE client to get a data item from a DDE server.

DDETERMINATE  - Used by a DDE client to terminate the specified DDE conversation.



Other operating system services

DATE$( ) - This function returns today's date in mm/dd/yy format.

DOSRUN  - Runs a DOS application.

EXEC( ) - This function starts a Windows application and returns the task id of the application if it actually starts.


GETINIINT( ) - This function searches the supplied .ini file for the specified application and returns the positive integer associated with the keyname.  If the keyname does not exist, -1 is returned.

GETWINDOWID  - Gets the Windows ID associated with an MS Windows application and places it in the variable _WindowID.  If a window with the specified title is not open, the variable is set to zero.

INIFORINT$( ) - The file, application and int are supplied, and the keyname is returned in a string variable.  If an error is encountered, the function returns a null string.

MTIME( ) - This function returns the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system was started.

PRINTTEXTFILE  - Prints the contents of a text file on the printer. Uses the CP variable OrientPr to determine the printer orientation.  If OrientPr is set to 1, portrait mode is used.  If OrientPr is set to 2, landscape mode is used.


SLEEP  - Used in a macro to pause the current application for the time specified.

TIME( ) - This function returns the current time in seconds since January 1, 1970.

TIME$( ) - This function returns the current time as a 24-character string; for example, Wed Oct 21 02:03:55 1992.  Midnight is 00:00:00.  Hours run from 0 to 23; minutes from 0 to 59.  Greenwich Mean Time is used.



Command processor utilities

CHECK( )  - Checks for the existence of a particular variable, macro, command, or function having the given "name".

COMMANDS - Lists macros and commands available in the current application.  If the command line is visible and you click on the macro or command name, it is displayed on the command line. 

DLLINSTALL( )  - This function tries to install the dynamic link library called "filename".  If the path is not part of filename, the default execute path is used. If the function executes successfully, the ID of the loaded dll is returned.

GETINFO( )  - This function returns information about the state of the specified hardware component.

(HP 5972 / 6890 MSD, HP 5890, HP 6890, HP 5971, ALS HP 7673)

HELP  - Brings up the Help window with the topics list displayed.

LOGGING  - Logs commands, messages, and errors to a file.

RUNCLASS( )  - Will convert the run type to a run class. (1 = Blank, 2 = Sample, 3 = Calibration)

TOPCMD  - Sends a command from an application to Top.

TOPDOT - Sends a variable to Top. 

VARLOCK  - Controls the use of reserved variables as targets of assignment statements:

VERSION - Displays version information about the current application on the message line.



Macros and control flow

BYE  - Quits the current application.



ENDWHILE - Provides a loop construct with the test at the beginning of the loop.  WHILE

EVALUATE  - Evaluates a string expression and executes the result as a command. 

GENERATE_ERROR   - Generates a specific error.

IF ... -

LOCAL ... - Used in a macro to set variables for use only in that macro. 

MACRO - Loads macros from a file and, if GO is specified, executes the last macro in the file.  If no path is specified, the contents of _AutoPath$ are used.  If no file name is specified, a dialog box lists the available files. MACRO  ["macro filename"] [,GO]

ON_ERROR ... -

REMOVE ... - Removes macros or variables from memory.

RETURN - Used in nested macros to force a macro to return to the calling macro.

WHILE ... - Provides a loop construct with the test at the beginning of the loop.    ENDWHILE



User interaction

ALERT  - Displays a message box with buttons requiring user response. ALERT  ["message string"] [,type] [,variable]

INPUT- If the first parameter is a string expression, a dialog box is displayed, containing a prompt for information that will be placed in the string variable named.  Can be used to create an interactive macro.

INPUT6 - Used in macros to allow user input.

LOADMETHPANEL  - For internal use only.  Displays the Load Method dialog box. 

SAVEMETHPANEL  - For internal use only.  Displays a dialog box for saving a method.



Instrument data extraction

AVERAGE - Averages spectra over the specified time range and places the results in variable.  AVERAGE  time1:time2 [,variable] [,file descriptor object]

CHROMATOGR - Generates extracted ion chromatograms and places them in X as a merged set.  Always rolls the stack. CHROMATOGR  [time1:time2] [,mass1] [,...] [,mass10]

EIC - Extracts a single chromatogram from a single mass. EIC  [time1:time2] ,mass [,variable] [,file descriptor object]

FILE - A macro that loads the specified data file for use in Data Analysis.

SCAN - Obtains and displays a mass spectrum. SCAN  [low mass] [,high mass] [,samples] [,threshold] [,clear display]

SPECTRUM  - Assigns the mass spectrum from the scan closest to the specified time to the specified variable. 

TIC  - Constructs the total ion chromatogram from the current data file and puts it in the specified variable. 

RAWSCAN – used within ESI interface macros

RAWSUM - For internal use only



Instrument data display

_TAB - Displays information about the current data file, the contents of a variable, or the current integration events for the ChemStation integrator.

ALLCONT - Affects the drawing of spectra as either continuous curves or bar graphs. 

ANNOTATE - Displays the Annotate dialog box where you can specify the text and relative placement of the text. ANNOTATE  window, object number, x, y [,"text", rel position [,NOREFRESH], [colorindex]

CLEAR - Clears results that are associated with an MS object.

CLIP - Copies a graphics window to the Clipboard.  From the Clipboard, the graphics may then be pasted into another application or, optionally, into a file with Windows metafile format (.WMF).

DRAW - Plots the data in the specified variable to the specified graphics window.  DRAW  [window] [,variable] [,X1:X2] [,Y1:Y2]

FORMAT - Sets the format for displaying a set of data objects.  At startup, the format is separated and peaks are labeled.  Data currently displayed is not redrawn automatically when the format is changed.

MAKEBAR - Causes any subsequent drawing of the spectrum in the specified variable to be drawn as a bar graph.

MAKECONT - Causes any subsequent drawing of the spectrum in the specified variable to be drawn as a continuous curve.

MENUSTATE( ) - Function that supports checking or graying of menu items. 


REFRESH  - Refreshes the specified window. 

SETWINATTRIBUTE - Sets the attributes of the specified graphics window.  SETWINATTRIBUTE  window, attribute, value, "macroname"

STACK - Toggles the display of the stack window.  To set explicitly:  1 = on; 0 = off. There are 14 common variables displayed in the stack window:  X, Y, T, Z, R0, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, and R9.  The default size of the window displays only the first six variables.  It may be expanded to display the others.

TABULATE ... - Displays information about the current data file, the contents of a variable, or the current integration events for the ChemStation integrator.

WINDOW - Resets the sizes and positions of the graphics windows, but does not affect iconized windows. WINDOW  [window], X1:X2,Y1:Y2

WINEXIST( ) - Determines if the specified graphics window is currently displayed in the Data Analysis window.  Returns 1 if the window is displayed; 0 if it is not displayed.

WINPOSITION - Gets a graphics window's position and size.  The values returned can be used for the WINDOW command. WINPOSITION window [,x1] [,x2] [,y1] [,y2]

ZOOM - Zooms in on a portion of the specified graphics window. ZOOM  window, X1:X2, Y1:Y2

ZOOMOUT - Restores a zoomed graphics window to its original, unzoomed state.



Instrument data manipulation

operator[] ( ) - The [ ] operator lets you extract an object from a set of objects and assign it to a variable. variable name1 = variable name2 [object number]


operator+ ( ) - The + operator adds objects 1 and 2. .  Object1 and object2 must be single objects of the same type.

operator- ( ) - This operator is not recommended to be used with complex variables such as mass spectra or chromatograms. .  Use SUBZERO or SUBTRACT.

operator* ( ) - The * operator multiplies the contents of variable2 by the specified value and assigns the product to variable1. You can lose data by scaling downward.

_GET - Gets information about the specified object.

_NML - Normalizes the Y-values in the specified data to the specified value.  You can lose data while normalizing.

_XFM - Shifts and scales the data along the X- or Y-axis.

BSB - Subtracts background on all mass spectra within the specified time range and creates a new data file.  Reads the Spectral_Window variable. BSB [time1:time2] [,variable] [, "new filename"] [,DONTASK] [,] [,file descriptor object]

CLEAR - Clears results that are associated with an MS object.

GETSCALARS ... - Gets information about the specified object. GETSCALARS  [INFO]  [,object]

MSCLIP - Removes mass/abundance data from a mass spectrum over the specified mass range.

MSTRUNC - Removes mass/abundance data from a mass spectrum for masses with less than the specified relative abundance.

NORMALIZE ... - Normalizes the Y-values in the specified variable to the specified value. 

PEAKNUMBER - Gets a spectrum from an integrated chromatogram.  The spectrum selected is the one closest to the retention time of the specified peak location.

PEAKVARS - Sets variables with information from an integrated chromatogram stored in a variable.  (Cf. the scalar version of PEAKVARS.) PEAKVARS  [peak number] [,START / TOP / END] ,variable

POINTS - Gets the number of data points in the first object in the specified variable. 

RECALL  - Retrieves a spectrum from a file that was previously saved using the STORE command.

SAVEMISC - For internal use only.  Displays a dialog box for saving a method.

STORE - Stores a spectrum in a file for archiving purposes.  To retrieve the spectrum, see the RECALL command.

SUBTRACT  (OBSOLETE) - If this optional keyword is used, the resulting spectrum contains only the positive valued remainders from the subtraction.  There is no effect when subtracting chromatograms.  The function SUBZERO(y,x) gives the same results as SUBTRACT SUPPRESS.

SUBZERO( ) - A function that subtracts the spectrum in variable x from the spectrum in variable y, and returns only positive valued remainders.  There is no effect when subtracting chromatograms.

TRANSFORM - Shifts and scales the data along the X- or Y-axis.  An asterisk (*) in the plot title indicates that a chromatogram or spectrum has been scaled (via the * operator, NORMALIZE, or TRANSFORM). TRANSFORM  X0:X1, X2:X3 [,variable] [,XAXIS / YAXIS]



ChemStation integration

AUTOINT  - Automatically integrates the specified chromatogram or set of chromatograms.

AREAREJECT - Creates an area reject event for the ChemStation integrator.  Areas less than the specified value are not included in the integration results.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS.

AREASUM - Creates an area sum event for the ChemStation integrator.  All peaks between times given by AREASUM 1 (on) and AREASUM 0 (off) are treated as a single peak and the areas are summed.

BASELINE ... - Creates a baseline event for the ChemStation integrator.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS.

CLREVENTS - Clears all ChemStation integrator timed events currently in memory; resets initial settings (see the INITTHRESH, INITREJECT, INITWIDTH, and SHOULDERS commands) to the default values for the INTEGRATE command.

EDITEVENTS - Displays either the Integration Parameters dialog box for the ChemStation integrator where you can enter values for initial threshold, peak width, and area reject and control shoulder detection or the Edit Integration Parameters box where you can schedule timed events.

INITREJECT - Sets the initial area reject value for the ChemStation integrator.  Areas less than the specified value are not included in the integration results.  The system default is 0; the range is 0 to 1E14. 

INITTHRESH - Sets the initial threshold value for the ChemStation integrator.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS.

INITWIDTH - Sets the initial peak width value for the ChemStation integrator.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS.

INTEGRATE  - Performs the ChemStation integrator peak detection and integration operations. INTEGRATE  [variable] [,time1:time2]

INTEGRATOR - Creates an integrator event for the ChemStation integrator.  Data integration is turned on or off at specified times.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS.

NEGPEAKS  - Creates a negative peak event for the ChemStation integrator.  The detection and integration of negative peaks is turned on (1) or off (0) at specified times.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS.

PEAKWIDTH  - Creates a peak width event for the ChemStation integrator.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS,

SAVEEVENTS - Saves the ChemStation integrator events currently in memory to a file.  The file is saved with the current method unless a path name is supplied.  The extension .E is supplied automatically if not entered.

SHOULDERS - Enables (1) or disables (0) the shoulder detection logic for the ChemStation integrator.  The system default is off.

SOLVENTS - Creates a solvent peak event for the ChemStation integrator.  1 turns the automatic solvent peak detection on; 0 turns it off. SOLVENTS  1/0, time

TANSKIM  - Creates a tangent skim event for the ChemStation integrator.  To view the list of integration events currently in memory, enter TABULATE EVENTS.

THRESHOLD - Creates a threshold event for the ChemStation integrator. 



RTE integration

MI  - Performs a manual integration of a single peak selected during the review of quantitative results.

RTEINT - Performs peak detection and integration using the RTE integrator.

RTEINTPARMS - Sets integration parameters for the RTE integrator

ENDJOB - Sends the print job accumulated since the last STARTJOB command to the Windows Print Manager for printing. 

ENDPRINT - Prints a page with all data gathered and formatted since the last STARTPRINT command. 

FILEPRINT  (OBSOLETE) - Use of this command is discouraged. 

PAGESIZE  - Displays on the message line the dimensions of the page used by the current printer configuration.

STARTJOB  - Initiates a multiple page print job.

STARTPRINT - Initializes the system to accept data for printing a formatted page.

STRPRINT - Formats the specified string in preparation for printing.

WINPRINT - Gathers and formats data from a graphics window in preparation for printing.   Must be preceded by the STARTPRINT command; to print the data use ENDPRINT. WINPRINT  window, x, y, width, length [,no Y-axis]



Qualitative analysis and mass spectral databases

EDITHEADER - Displays the Edit PBM Library dialog box.  If an entry is to be added during the session, a mass spectrum named X must exist when this command is invoked.

EDITSTRATEGY - Sets the PBM search strategy parameters.

FINDBYCAS  - Finds all the entries in a library with the specified CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) number. 

GETMSREF - Retrieves a spectrum from an MS library. GETMSREF  entry number [,"library filename"] [,variable] [,CONDMS / FULLMS]

MW - Calculates the molecular weight from the molecular formula.

PBMSEARCH - Performs a PBM library search using the specified library on the specified spectrum .

QUALPARMS - Sets parameters for a library search or displays the Library Search Parameters dialog box.

QUALRPTOPT - Used in a macro to display the Library Search Report Options dialog box. 

SAVESTRATEGY - For internal use only.  Saves the PBM strategy settings to the macro file name specified.

VIEWPBMTEXT - Displays PBM text results of a PBM search.



Target compound identification and quantitative analysis

ADDPEAKS - Gets peak information from the integration results associated with the chromatogram(s) stored in variable and adds this information to the individual peaks list.  Used by the standard quantitation macro.

CALIBPRINT - Gathers and formats data from a QuantResults file in preparation for printing a calibration curve.  Must be preceded by the STARTPRINT command; to print the data use ENDPRINT.

CLEARCPNDS - Clears compound entries from the quantitation database of the current method.  A message box gives a warning before the entries are cleared.  Restores default values to Quantitation Globals panel.

CPDANALYZE - Used in a macro to do the identification and quantitation calculations on a compound in the database versus signals from an acquired data file.

DELLEVEL - Used in a macro to delete a calibration level from all compound entries in the quantitation database.

DLGQDBSETUP - For internal use only.  Controls Quant Setup dialog box.

EDITCPNDS - Displays the Edit Compounds dialog box.

ENDSET - Invokes the signal correlation algorithm that creates the correlated peaks list from the individual peaks list (see ADDPEAKS).

EXPORTRSLT - Writes an Excel .XLS file for Custom Reports from a Quant Results file. "source file" The source results file.  Default is the null string. "Excel destination file" The destination Excel BIFF file.  Default is the null string. file descriptor object

GETCOMPOUND - Retrieves specified compound information from the quantitation database.

GETRESULT - Gets information about a quantitative result.

LOADQUANTMETH - Loads all quantitation-related items in the current method except the compound records in the quantitation database.

PCTRPTOPT - Used only in macros to set parameters for a percent report.  If no parameters are specified, the Percent Parameter report is displayed.

PUTCOMPOUND - Reads the variables set by GETCOMPOUND and updates the existing compound record in the quantitation database.

QUANTPARMS - Sets the following quantitation globals directly (without a dialog box).  All parameters must be entered.

QUANTRPTOPT - Used in a macro to set up the quantitation report.  If no parameters are given, the Quant Report Options dialog box is displayed.

RECALIB - Used in a macro to update the current quantitation database from information contained in result file.RES

SETUPCALIB - Displays the Set Up Quantitation Globals dialog box.

STARTANALYSIS - Initializes the internal quantitation structure and the QuantResults file, if one is specified.

STARTREPORT - For internal use only.  Initializes quant report control information using a result file.  Sets variables to the number of results and the number of time reference compounds in the results file.  The filename is required; there is no default.

STARTSET - Clears any existing individual peaks list (see ADDPEAKS) and correlated peaks list (see ENDSET) from memory and determines how new peaks will be sorted

UPDATECALIB - Used to find the level ID and update the associated file name or to display the Update Calibration dialog box.  If a macro is running and if all parameters are null, the dialog box is displayed.

UPDATERSLT - Updates a Quant result record.  All parameters are required; there are no defaults.

VIEWCALCURVE - Displays the View Calibration Curves dialog box.


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