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Alle Beiträge des Diskussionsthemas "Antimony removal from power plant waste streams"
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Betrifft:Antimony removal from power plant waste streams
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Does anyone have any relevant expereince on the best way to remove antimony (Sb-125) from nuclear power plant liquid
waste?  Ion exchange has not been very effective.

Ed Haack, PE
Message 2 in thread
Von:Marc Andelman (
Betrifft:Re: Antimony removal from power plant waste streams
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Datum:1996/01/15 wrote:
> Does anyone have any relevant expereince on the best way to remove antimony (Sb-125) from nuclear power plant liquid
> waste?  Ion exchange has not been very effective.
> Ed Haack, PE
> Can you tell me what the electrochemical breakdown voltage
of your particular antimony species is?  If you can measure
current in a conductivity bridge, while applying
increasing voltages, that would be the best answer.
Depending on the number you get, I may have a solution.
Marc Andelman
Message 3 in thread
Von:Tobias Kind Sekt. Chemie/Mineralogie SS96 (kind)
Betrifft:Re: Antimony removal from power plant waste streams
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Dear Ed,
have a look at

This problem was solved using SGS-polymers.

Industrial application:
SGS-filters removes about 94% of antimony from a complex acid solution with
1 g/l of antimony.
Achieved concentration in eluate is 45-50 g/l and flow rate 1200 specific
volumes. Eluate is 15% solution of HCl.

These values are from literature. In most cases a better cleaning (up to
microgram per liter oer better) is possible.

Please feel free to Email me.
With regards
Tobias Kind

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