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Alle Beiträge des Diskussionsthemas "Agilent Msd Chemstation Macros"
Message 1 in thread
Von:Paul Overaa (
Betrifft:Agilent Msd Chemstation Macros
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Datum:2001-02-12 11:38:39 PST
I'm writing a Visual Basic Data-Vet (data-verification) program that, having
launched from a Msd Chemstation macro, sets up a DDE channel in order to
send collected
gc/ms quantitation results to the Data-Vet for verification.

In the main I've encountered very few difficulties and all the Agilent
DDE-based macro
functions work as documented... except for one, namely DDEExecute, which
generates a DDE
error 26 error message. Unfortunately, the DDE error codes are not
documented in the
system on-line manuals and I'm not at all sure that the DDEExecute command
is documented
as fully as it should be.

Needless to say I'm more than happy to provide full details of what I am
doing but,
before wasting newsgroup space, I thought I'd better check to see if anyone
else is
working with these Agilent Macro language DDE functions.

I ought to mention that I have already done the obvious: I've read the
Agilent docs,
studied a number of the system macros, checked and re-checked my code, and
been in regular contact with Agilent's technical support team.

Thanks in advance for any possible help &/or interest - Paul Overaa
Message 2 in thread
Von:Tobias Kind (
Betrifft:Re: Agilent Msd Chemstation Macros
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Datum:2001-02-13 07:34:23 PST
Paul Overaa wrote:

> I'm writing a Visual Basic Data-Vet (data-verification) program that, having
> been
> launched from a Msd Chemstation macro, sets up a DDE channel in order to
> send collected
> gc/ms quantitation results to the Data-Vet for verification.
> In the main I've encountered very few difficulties and all the Agilent
> DDE-based macro
> functions work as documented... except for one, namely DDEExecute, which
> generates a DDE
> error 26 error message. Unfortunately, the DDE error codes are not
> documented in the
> system on-line manuals and I'm not at all sure that the DDEExecute command
> is documented
> as fully as it should be.
> Needless to say I'm more than happy to provide full details of what I am
> doing but,
> before wasting newsgroup space, I thought I'd better check to see if anyone
> else is
> working with these Agilent Macro language DDE functions.
> I ought to mention that I have already done the obvious: I've read the
> Agilent docs,
> studied a number of the system macros, checked and re-checked my code, and
> have
> been in regular contact with Agilent's technical support team.
> Thanks in advance for any possible help &/or interest - Paul Overaa

Dear Paul,

DDE is truly "crap" ... sometimes it works .. sometimes not...
I have only some tips, maybe it helps.

* Did you use the DDESPY.EXE  ? (use correct version for operating system)

* DDExecute works fine on my computer within HPChemstation as long the command
is registered correctly... (search with regedit in registry)


f.e., type on the command line

ChanNum = DDEInitiate("PROGMAN","PROGMAN")
DDEExecute ChanNum,"[CreateGroup(XXX)]"
DDETerminate ChanNum

...explorer popups and has group xxx

* DDE errors are external problems - go to - and search there for DDEEXECUTE

* DDE errors are only documented in win32 API reference guides

* at least you can contact Niels Waleson from HP.
 or somebody from

With kind regards
Tobias Kind
Message 3 in thread
Von:Jean-Marc Szalies (
Betrifft:Re: Agilent Msd Chemstation Macros
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Datum:2001-02-13 09:35:34 PST
DDE worked great until I switched from Win 3.11 to NT
So I used a text file as output for Chemstation that I could acces by
Since NT, DDE wasn't that great anymore (or was it since Office 95 or
97 ? Is this "progress" ? ;)))) )

>Dear Paul,
>DDE is truly "crap" ... sometimes it works .. sometimes not...
>I have only some tips, maybe it helps.

Email without the dontdisturb
Message 4 in thread
Von:Paul Overaa (
Betrifft:Re: Agilent Msd Chemstation Macros
View this article only
Datum:2001-02-15 00:45:15 PST

Thanks for your help. Things have, however, taken an unexpected twist in the
last day.  I got a DDE example from Kenneth Weiner, an Agilent software guy.
He sent the VB source, a VB executable and a small Msd Chemstation script

Here's the crunch - his code works fine on my system and the DDEExecute
command gave no DDE error 26 messages, yet I looked at his code and his DDE
function use was exactly the same as mine. I recompiled his example and
guess what - the DDE error 26 messages then appeared with his code as well.

So... looks like we've got a VB version specific problem here. I'm using
Visual Basic Professional 4.0, Ken's original executable was done in VB5.
Needless to say I'm going to order an upgrade ASAP.

Just shows you doesn't it - Over the last few weeks I thought I'd been
systematically working through all possible 'error-cause'  scenarios but I
didn't once think we'd be dealing with a version specific VB function snag.

Funny old life isn't it (:

Regards and thanks again - Paul

p.s. If anyone else wants a copy of the example code just mail me!

Paul Overaa wrote in message ...

>I'm writing a Visual Basic Data-Vet (data-verification) program that, having
>been aunched from a Msd Chemstation macro, sets up a DDE channel in order to
>send collected gc/ms quantitation results to the Data-Vet for verification.
>In the main I've encountered very few difficulties and all the Agilent
>DDE-based macro functions work as documented... except for one, namely
>DDEExecute, which generates a DDE error 26 error message. Unfortunately,
>the DDE error codes are not documented in the system on-line manuals and
> I'm not at all sure that the DDEExecute command is documented as fully as it
>should be.
>Needless to say I'm more than happy to provide full details of what I am
>doing but, before wasting newsgroup space, I thought I'd better check to see if
>anyone else is working with these Agilent Macro language DDE functions.
>I ought to mention that I have already done the obvious: I've read the
>Agilent docs, studied a number of the system macros, checked and
>re-checked my code, and have been in regular contact with Agilent's
> technical support team.
>Thanks in advance for any possible help &/or interest - Paul Overaa

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