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Sub jcamp4PCA()
        'Excel Makro in Visual Basic for the import of mass spectra
        'from JCAMP-DX data provided by LIB2NIST
        'for further processing via PCA or cluster analysis
        'see pictures and examples at
        'jcamp4PCA V0.92 written by Tobias Kind (C) 2001
        'V0.92 = 219904 spectra import version; 28 spectra/second @1700Mhz
        'feel free to distribute or to alter the code

            'Dimension Variables
            'courious results if defined together MassMin,MZMass,MassMax as integer
            Dim ResultStr As String
            Dim FileName As String
            Dim FileNum As Integer
            Dim CommaCount As Integer
            Dim WorkResult As String
            Dim SpectraCount As Integer
            Dim Filler As String
            Dim MassMIN As Integer
            Dim MassMAX As Integer
            Dim MZIntensity As Integer
            Dim MZMass As Integer
            Dim MassCount As Integer
            Dim MyActiveWorksheet As Integer
            Dim i, x, y, z, trigger As Integer

            'Definition for 2560 spectra (10*256)
            'max value in XL2000 = 859; equals (859x256)= 219904 spectra
            MaxWorkSheets = 10

            'Ask for the name of the file.
            'FileName = InputBox("Please type the name of your text file, for example, test.txt")

            FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename

            'Turn off ScreenUpdating and Events so that users can't see what is
            'happening and can't affect the code while it is running.
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Application.EnableEvents = False

            'Check for no entry.
            If FileName = "" Then End

            'Get next available file handle number.
            FileNum = FreeFile()

            'Open text file for input.
            Open FileName For Input As #FileNum

            'Turn ScreenUpdating off is 2x faster (!)
            Application.ScreenUpdating = False

            'Small counter 0..257
            SpectraCount = 0
            'Counter for all spectra
            AllSpectraCount = 0
            MassMIN = 10000
            MassMAX = 0

            'extend to 10 worksheets (only first run) - 2560 spectra
            'Set NewSheet = Sheets.Add(Type:=xlWorksheet)
            'Excel opens new Workbook with 3 worksheets

            StartWorkSheets = Worksheets.Count
            For i = 1 To (MaxWorkSheets - StartWorkSheets)
                Worksheets.Add.Move after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
            Next i

            'For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
            '    NewSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = Sheets(i).Name
            'Next i

            'Place the data in the first row of the column.
            'Activate first worksheet - nice for switching to the next
            MyActiveWorksheet = 1

            'Name of the active worksheet
            'important for different language versions.
            MyWorkheetName = ActiveCell.Worksheet.Name

            ZeitStart = Timer
            'Application.ScreenUpdating = False

            '************************************************** big parse loop
            'Loop until the end of file is reached.
            Do While Seek(FileNum) <= LOF(FileNum)

                'Show row number being imported on status bar. (33% speed decrease)
                Application.StatusBar = "Importing JCAMP Spectrum " & _
                AllSpectraCount & " of JCAMP file " & FileName

                'Store one line of text from file to variable.
                Line Input #FileNum, ResultStr

                'Store the entire string into a second, temporary string.
                WorkResult = ResultStr

                If InStr(WorkResult, "##TITLE") Then
                    SpectraCount = SpectraCount + 1
                End If

                If SpectraCount = 0 Then
                    MsgBox FileName _
                    & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "This seems to be no JCAMP-DX mass spectra file -" _
                    & vbCrLf & "or has leading linefeeds (CR/LF)- " _
                    & vbCrLf & "First line should be: ##TITLE=" _
                    & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Import aborted." _
                    & vbCrLf & "Please contact"
                End If

                'write titles to every first line --> switch between:
                '##CAS REGISTRY NO=
                '##SAMPLE DESCRIPTION=
                'change the following 2 lines together...
                If InStr(WorkResult, "##CAS REGISTRY") Then
                    Filler = Right(WorkResult, Len(WorkResult) - Len("##CAS REGISTRY NO="))
                    Worksheets(MyActiveWorksheet).Cells(1, SpectraCount) = Filler
                End If

                'Read number of m/z values and save them
                If InStr(WorkResult, "##NPOINTS") Then
                    WorkResult = Right(WorkResult, Len(WorkResult) - Len("##NPOINTS="))
                    'Parse out any leading spaces.
                    'If Left(WorkResult, 1) = " " Then WorkResult = Right(WorkResult, Len(WorkResult) - 1)

                    MassCount = LTrim(WorkResult)
                    'trigger for low mass = first m/z point
                    trigger = 1

                    '*********************************************** Mass loop
                    'skip line "##XYDATA=(XY..XY)"
                    Line Input #FileNum, WorkResult

                    'Read in all Mass/Intensity pairs
                    Do While MassCount > 0
                        Line Input #FileNum, WorkResult
                        WorkResult = LTrim(WorkResult)
                        MZMass = Left(WorkResult, InStr(WorkResult, " "))
                        MZIntensity = Right(WorkResult, InStr(WorkResult, " "))

                        Worksheets(MyActiveWorksheet).Cells(MZMass + 1, SpectraCount) = MZIntensity

                        MassCount = MassCount - 1

                        ' Get the lowest and highest mass from all points
                        If trigger = 1 Then
                            If MassMIN > MassCount Then
                               MassMIN = MZMass
                            End If
                            trigger = 0
                        End If

                        If MassCount = 0 Then
                            If MassMAX < MZMass Then
                               MassMAX = MZMass
                            End If
                        End If
                    '*********************************************** Mass loop end
                    AllSpectraCount = AllSpectraCount + 1
                End If

                'Test for more than  256 columns because EXCEL is 8bit
                'even in 2001 we battle with 8bit... 2^8 = 256
                'can be extended if switching to lower rows or other table
                If SpectraCount = 257 Then
                    MyActiveWorksheet = MyActiveWorksheet + 1

                    'clear content

                    'initialize new variables
                    'because line reader run over first line
                    SpectraCount = 1
                End If

                'test if more than defined spectra
                'change the MaxWorkSheets number if wanted
                If AllSpectraCount = MaxWorkSheets * 256 Then
                    MsgBox MaxWorkSheets * 256 & " spectra version - Import aborted." _
                    & vbCrLf & "Please extend MaxWorkSheets to " & (AllSpectraCount \ 256) + 1 & "." _
                    & vbCrLf & "Thank you."
                End If

               '*********************************************** big parse loop end

               'Close the open text file.

               'Fill all empty values with Zero - faster version now OK
               'thanks to

                For i = MyActiveWorksheet To 1 Step -1

                Application.StatusBar = "Zero-Filling WorkSheet " & MyActiveWorksheet

                For Each c In Worksheets(MyActiveWorksheet).Range(Cells(1, 2), Cells(MassMAX + 1, SpectraCount))
                    If c.Value = vbNullString Then c.Value = "0"
                Next c

                If i > 1 Then
                    MyActiveWorksheet = MyActiveWorksheet - 1
                    SpectraCount = 256
                End If

                'Time Profiler for testing
                '1251 spectra imported in 44 seconds (Athlon 1700Mhz)
                ZeitEnde = Timer
                AbgelaufeneZeit = (ZeitEnde - ZeitStart)
                AbgelaufeneZeit = Left(AbgelaufeneZeit, InStr(AbgelaufeneZeit, ",") + 1)

                Application.StatusBar = "Ready. " & AllSpectraCount & _
                " spectra imported. Lowest Mass = " & MassMIN & _
                " Highest Mass = " & MassMAX & _
                " Time: " & AbgelaufeneZeit & " sec."

       End Sub

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