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Search Result 46
From: Tobias Kind (tk2002deja@amdis.net)
Subject: Re: Source for 5-methycytosine monophosphate
View: Complete Thread (3 articles)
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Newsgroups: sci.bio.microbiology
Date: 2002-05-29 09:35:25 PST
jbroker@junglemate.com (Jim Broker) wrote in message news:<1c6cebf2.0205280929.7dbc9e78@posting.google.com>...
> I am currently doing student research at Millersville University.
> I am running samples of digested chlorella virus and testing them for
> percentages of 5-methylcytosine and 6-methyladenine. One of the
> standards I need is 5-methylcytosine monophosphate. I am having a hard

you don't need the phosphate for your HPLC method.
Go for 5-Methylcytosine hydrochloride, CAS: 58366-64-6
and adjust the pH via buffer.

58366-64-6 is from ABCR, Chimex and Synchem.

Kind regards
Tobias Kind

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